Monday, May 12, 2014

Welcome to Medicinal Mama! 

For the last 3 years I have taught a hands on Herb Academy where people learn to make medicinal preparations, essential oil blends, and other health and body care products. I have been asked countless times to travel or do a video series but because of time constraints and logistics was not able to. A solution finally came to me, and I am excited to share it with you!


I have set aside a half day a few times per year for the preparation of all my herbal medicines, essential oil blends, salves etc. that I will need for that season. Because of this, my family has experienced a season, not free from the sickies, but prepared for them! No running to the store late at night, or spending more money than I would like for things I can easily make myself.

I want you to be prepared as well. I have done alot of the work for you! I feel it is important that you know how to make each preparation, so you can replicate it at home for a perpetually stocked medicinal cabinet.

I've also thrown in a few body care recipes because health is not just about when you are sick. Natural home care is vital to help support healthy immune systems and increased immunity as well. Body care products are notorious for their laundry lists of chemicals. Reducing those chemicals is easy and inexpensive! Many of these things can be used to make as gifts as well. Awesome!

You will be learning how to make many different preparations, each representing a different way to create natural medicine. I will demonstrate each one.

These classes are also perfect for sharing with the children in your life. My kids LOVE to make medicinals, and with a little supervision from mom they can do them phenomenally well. 

How it works:

Each series is 12 weeks. Each week you will receive an email with the topic of the week, a detailed recipe, ingredient and resource list. You will also receive a short video tutorial of the medicinal of the week. You will have all you need to educate yourself don how to stock your medicine cabinet naturally and have supplies on hand to keep you and your family healthy!

Cost and other details:

Each 12 week series is $25 total, paid upon registration. The series is June-August. You can archive the emails and read them at your own pace or however thou would like. This makes it flexible and customizable to your personal schedule.

Once registered, you will be sent an email confirmation. You will then receive your first lesson the first week in June. Your registration entitles you to one set of lessons, and we ask that you not share with others who are not registered (except for your own personal family residing with you). 

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